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About me

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I am a personable producer director (self-shooting), I have worked in challenging environments, with talent, and on subject matter which is outside the mainstream such as environmental issues, the natural world, culture and conservation.

My strengths are; filming actuality, developing ideas, documentary, field producing, producing talent, story, directing small crews, shooting & editing.

I bring an emotional intelligence to my work which I believe helps me get the best out of often sensitive situations. I am accustomed to working on demanding shoots in both domestic and remote locations. 

My Education

I studied cultural anthropology at Sussex University where I focussed on human trafficking, indigenous rights & anthropology of the body & environment.

My Experience

I rounded off 2019 by shooting and directing a 112 day adventure, travelling from the UK to Chile without using fossil fuels following filmmaker and explorer JamesLevelle (NatGeo/Discovery/BBC). James helped me sharpen my storytelling and trained me to cover intense actuality both on land and at sea! This documentary has recently been shown across the UK by Picture House cinemas.

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Over the last two of years I have made films covering a range of environmental investigations such as; illegal trawling and plastic pollution in Ghana, local perspectives on river biodiversity in Nepal and the murky industry of Salmon farming in Scotland.

In 2021 my best credit was getting a story I've been working on for over 3 years covered by BBC Africa/BBC Word Service - the documentary follows Kenya's agricultural social media stars as they shape a dynamic cool new era in farming! 

I also covered the action and characters participating in the ‘Running Out of Time’ human powered relay race to COP 2022 - from Glasgow to Egypt. Coming soon from RWD Films.


My documentaries have received various film festival selections from the likes of; All Living Things, Sante Fe International Film Festival, Beyond the Short, World Trails Film Festival, & SHAFF.

Loch Stock & Salmon also won at The Oceanic Film Festival 2021.


My latest film ‘Machi’ is under consideration at a number of festivals and has been acquired by WaterBear. It will be released through their platform in August 2023.

International filming experience: Kenya, Nepal, USA, South Africa, Ghana, Egypt, Israel, NZ, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Europe… The Atlantic Ocean.


I own and regularly operate a Sony FS7 & FS5. Good capability and knowledge with Drones, GoPro & DJI kit. 

Eoghan McDonaugh
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